Upon Further Review: Summer 2024: Camp Joy Update

Summer 2024 Camper Impact:

As Camp Joy closes out another summer, we can not help but express our gratitude to God and our fellow brethren for summer camp 2024! Our Lord led with faithfulness and power, and showed everyone what He can do when we follow Him.

“My favorite part of camp is learning more about God!”

– Summer 2024 Camper

We want to share the story of a summer 2024 camper that her sponsor told us:

A young lady from our church came for a week of teen camp and got saved. Realizing the need for her family to also get saved, she went home from camp ready to share the gospel. She witnessed to her brother who also asked Jesus to save him!

Though this young lady’s brother was unable to attend junior camp, her pastor and sponsor were praying he would come to Christ in another way. God chose to use his sister! God is changing that church from one girls’s life changing decision.

“Our teens have been so radically changed, they are all so excited about Jesus!”

– Summer 2024 Sponsor

Praise God for the many decisions like this made at Camp this summer!

Summer 2024 Staff Impact:

The Lord truly blessed Camp Joy with an amazing group of summer staff workers this summer! God provided a summer staff filled with young people who want to serve God and who have a desire to grow in their relationship with Him.

Several of our summer staff members have gone through FUEL (our two-week teen leadership program). It is a special privilege to see these young people willingly come back and give of their summer to serve the Lord with us here at Camp.

Camp Joy also ended this summer with our second summer staff conference entitled “What’s Next” focused on taking the next step in their spiritual walk. During this special time, staff got the opportunity to be in special sessions, participate in unique discussions, help in various work projects, and grow in their walk with God.

We would like to say thank you to the churches, sponsors, donors, summer staff, and so many others who had a part in the ministry of Camp Joy this summer. We praise God for all that was accomplished!

Looking Forward to Summer 2025:

Looking forward to Summer 2025, Ministerial Development Director Michael Innocenti writes,

“We are looking for to Summer 2025! We are currently lining up trips to colleges to recruit summer staff for next summer. Please pray with us that God will give us safety in travel, that He will go before us and be in conversations that we have with students, and that we will get the right staff. We hope to see you at Camp Joy in next summer!”

– Michael Innocenti

We are thrilled with what God is doing at Camp Joy. We invite you to come and experience it for yourself in the Summer of 2025!


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