Looking Forward to the Covert Collective! – 2024 Summer Camp Preview

The 2024 Summer Camp season is quickly approaching! Accordingly, the Camp Joy staff is diligently preparing to make sure this summer is our best yet! You may ask, “What goes into getting Camp Joy ready for the summer?”

Here are some quick details:

The Theme:

The theme for this summer is the Covert Collective: Out Of The Shadows. The entire program from the skits, to the competitive activities, and even the decor has been structured around this theme. Join us this summer to find out whether the Emerald Society or the Night Hawks will ultimately prevail and succeed in helping The Professor find his codex!

The Preparation:

Each year, Camp Joy’s summer program is a result of detailed planning:

  • The program and ministerial development departments began preparing for summer 2024 within weeks of the end of summer 2023.
  • Camp Joy’s summer staff is almost entirely comprised of volunteers. These volunteers come from all across the country. Accordingly, Camp Joy recruiters have been hard at work recruiting and praying for God to provide quality summer workers. Are you one of those workers who we have been praying for?
  • Camp Joy’s staff must schedule the speakers for each week several years in advance due to their full schedules.
  • The program staff must decide on a theme, promote that theme, determine schedules, think of competitive activities, decide on decor, and pick out music.
  • The kitchen manager must prepare menu plans, check equipment, and inventory the food options that they already have.
  • The ministerial development staff must prepare training camp to train the volunteers when they arrive. This involves setting up the schedule, lining up speakers, getting ready for sessions, and so much more!
  • Housekeeping and shops prepare diligently for their volunteers whether that is for mentoring staff or ordering inventory for the best summer!

These are just a few of the many responsibilities that face the Camp Joy staff as they prepare for a summer camp season.

The Program:

Camp Joy desires to make Covert Collective: Out Of The Shadows an all-encompassing theme that shows in almost every facet of the summer program. Check out the letter to both teams below:

black text on gray background

Attention Agents of the Emerald Society and the Nighthawks:

I need your help! The Codex has been missing for years, and I have been unable to find it. Now, my evil nemesis, Dr. Omega of the Brotherhood of Shadows, is closing in on the Codex. I need you to find this device and return it to me. It can only be safe locked away from the world. Join me, summer 2024, as I seek to complete this mission of utmost importance. The world is counting on you!


The Professor

Join us for the preview:

We invite you to preview the Covert Collective: Out Of The Shadows! Camp Joy will first reveal/preview elements of this theme during the upcoming Teen Extravaganza on April 5-6 with Evangelist Joe Mueller. We hope to see you there!


Please be in prayer for Camp Joy this summer! Would you pray:

  • that God will bring us the right summer workers.
  • that summer details will come together in a smooth and timely fashion.
  • that God would prepare the full-time and summer staff spiritually.
  • that God would use the summer for His glory, souls would come to know Him, and others would grow tremendously.

You may find out more about our schedule, speakers, and events at www.campjoy.org. You can also reach out to us at staff@campjoy.org with any questions.