There are plenty of ways that you can have a part in the ministry here at Camp Joy! Here’s a few suggestions, and we’re always open to creative ideas, so let us know what you’re thinking.

  • Volunteer! – It seems like there’s always something that needs to be done here at camp! Whether you have a particular skillset or just a willingness to help out, we can find a way for you to contribute. We often need volunteers during our offseason retreats (counselors, kitchen staff), and there is seemingly never a shortage of landscaping projects on our agenda. Please email if you are interested in helping out.
  • Summer Staff – It takes a lot of young people to make summer camp happen! We are always looking for qualified candidates to serve on summer staff in a variety of departments. Apply here to start the process!
  • Give – Progress often requires funding. We would love to share more about the projects on “the front burner” here at Camp Joy and how you can contribute towards them.
  • Pray! – Psalm 127:1 tells us that “Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” We recognize that without God’s hand of blessing, we can achieve nothing. Check out our prayer updates page to stay informed about our needs.
  • Help improve our Google search results – find us on Google and/or Yelp and give us a 5-star review (please be honest when writing a review).
  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, subscribe to our channel on YouTube, and connect with us on LinkedIn.