In 1959, Pastor John Loggans was looking for a place for a Bible camp. He wanted something that would be close, something for the churches in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin. Under his direction, in 1960, twenty-six Baptist churches got together, incorporated, and purchased land in Whitewater, Wisconsin. That property is now the home of Camp Joy. On June 22, 1962, the very first campers were welcomed to Camp Joy. A total of 628 campers attended that first year.

For the first fourteen years, the pastors of the association would rotationally fill the role of director. Then, in 1976, Pastor Charlie Hatchett became the first full-time Camp Director and led during great periods of growth and expansion. His son, Scott Hatchett, served as the second director for seven years. The current director, Pastor John Moore, was hired in 2015.

Over 200,000 campers have come to Camp Joy since we first opened. These are individuals who now are serving as pastors, missionaries, and lay leaders all across the world. Today, Camp Joy operates year-round on seventy-five acres. We are on one of the best recreational lakes in the state of Wisconsin, we own an island, and are within a two hour drive of 14 million people. Within that two hour radius is O’Hare National Airport, through which we’ve received campers from as far away as China.

Our goal is to partner with local churches, and we frequently affirm that “we are in the Church Age, not the Camp Age.” To this end, we host Marriage on Target retreats, Men’s and Ladies’ events, winter youth camps, and teen leadership programs, in addition to summer camp.

Why Camp?

In a society filled with distractions, it can be difficult to focus on God and draw near to Him. Everyday cares can choke out spiritual growth like thorns to a healthy plant. That’s why camp is so important—it functions as a spiritual greenhouse, filtering out everyday pressures and creating an ideal environment for spiritual growth.

For the brief time you’re at Camp Joy, we work to create an environment free from the world’s distractions, so you can rest and be refreshed, resulting in accelerated spiritual growthA concentrated exposure to the light of God’s Word, through the consistent preaching and ministry of God’s Word, will help you refocus on Him. The atmosphere of Camp Joy—godly mentors, wholesome fun, and an emphasis on personal time in God’s Word—is designed to nourish your spirit. Our goal for everything we do is to help you grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Why The Campsite?

We chose to create this resource to keep our teammates – campers, churches, pastors, sponsors, neighbors, and others – updated and informed about what God is doing here at Camp Joy. We recognize that you are essential to our success, and your support is invaluable to us. Our hope is that you can pray on our behalf, learn about the different facets of our ministry, and find new ways to participate in what God is doing here. Please don’t hesitate to check out our website or call. We’d love to hear from you.