Upon Further Review: Summer 2023: Greetings from Camp Joy!

Upon Further Review: Summer 2023: Greetings from Camp Joy!

Summer 2023 Camper Impact:

We praise God for the marvelous summer He gave us at Camp Joy! We saw God work in amazing ways in the hearts and lives of both summer campers and staff. The campers had a great time each week, but more importantly, many made life-changing decisions for God’s glory. Our records indicate that 30% of the 2023 summer campers made life-changing decisions including 12 called to full-time ministry. We at Camp Joy believe this percentage of camper decisions is a great sign of God’s blessing. The many spiritual initiatives God has led us to make over the last several years have developed the camper program here to produce the most conducive environment for this kind of eternal fruit.

Upon trusting in Christ alone as his Savior, one teen camper stated to his

“I will see you in Heaven someday!”

Camp Joy Summer Camper

Summer 2023 Staff Impact:

God’s work at Camp Joy is not limited to the campers! God provided a summer staff
filled with young people who want to serve God and who have a desire to grow in their
relationship with Him.

One of those staff members is a young college student who counseled at Camp Joy this
summer. She has gone through the Fuel program at Camp Joy and says that the things
she learned in that program have had a lasting impact on her life. She did a great job
with ministering to her campers throughout the summer. For example, she would not
only get to know her campers, but she would strive to point them back to God’s Word
and show them areas in their lives that they need to grow. She now has a desire to
continue working in ministry and has surrendered her life to full-time Christian service!

The team captains also did an excellent job this summer. They both had a desire to
grow in their walk with God. As much as they wanted to win the week for their teams,
they encouraged each other, challenged their fellow believer, and were good friends.

On the team captains specifically, Ministerial Development Director Michael Innocenti

“I think of one of the team captains specifically. To those on the outside or those that are not responsible for picking the team captains this young man would not have been their choice. He is an introvert by nature and spending time outdoors is not really something that he enjoys. However, what set him apart was his walk with God and his desire to grow. Though he was originally nervous to be a team captain, he would share with you, that in seeing the Ministerial Development Director announce the team captains, he was given a glimpse of “I can do this, if he can do it.”

Michael Innocenti (Ministerial Development Director)

Camp Joy ended the summer season with our first Staff Conference entitled “Relationships with People.” During this special week, staff got the opportunity to be in specific sessions, as well as, participate in a variety of work projects. Many Summer Staff said this week was pivotal in their Christian growth.

Looking Forward with Anticipation:

Looking forward to the Summer of 2024, Ministerial Development Director Michael Innocenti writes,

“The theme that came out of this summer, that will influence the spiritual theme for 2024 is ‘Dare to Stand.’ Camp Joy had several workers across several departments who learned how to stand for the things of Christ even when no one else would stand with them. The example this set for other staff members was invaluable! May we all be willing and ready to stand for God and be that light on a hill.”

Michael Innocenti (Ministerial Development Director)

We are thrilled with what God is doing at Camp Joy. We invite you to come and experience it for yourself in the Summer of 2024!

1 Comment

  1. Teresa Carrillo

    We love and pray for Camp Joy. Thank you for pouring into my kids’ lives in so many ways. Looking forward to what God will do in 2024!

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