Q&A with Michael Innocenti

Q&A with Michael Innocenti
You can often find Mr. Michael at the dock, overseeing the camp lakefront and having fun with staff members.

Michael Innocenti is the Ministerial Development Director here at Camp Joy. “Mr. Michael” recruits summer staff and then oversees the staff during the summer. His role during summer camp is mentoring and discipling the guy counselors and male support staff during their time on staff.

What Brought You to Camp Joy?

I grew up in a Christian home and came to a saving knowledge of Christ at the age of 4, when asked my mom about a verse in the Bible that I didn’t understand. She explained it to me, and I told her that I have never asked Jesus to be my savior and come into my heart. My mom shared with me what I needed to do, which was to ask him to save me from my sins.

I went to church at Heritage Baptist Church in Frankfort, Illinois, and attended the attached school from second grade until my senior year of high school. My church was a member of the Camp Joy board, so there were plenty of opportunities to go to Camp Joy growing up. However, I didn’t see the value of camp at the time. I often chose to work instead of going to camp during the summer.

There was a revival service at my church, and I came to the conclusion that God was calling me to ministry. During high school I believed that the ministry God would call me too would be a church or school, not a camp. God’s ways are higher than our ways. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. Throughout my high school years, I had heard stories from people about camp, and the fun that they had, and that was something that I enjoyed hearing. But I also heard the stories of people who worked for a summer and how much they made.

I went to college at DeVry University in Tinley Park, Illinois. I was able to live at home and still be involved in my church. That enabled me to sift what I was learning at secular college through the Word of God, the wisdom of my parents, and the leadership of my church. I graduated from DeVry University in December of 2013 with a Degree in Business Administration. Around this time I heard a message from Rich Touzer that spoke to me. One of his illustrations was a widow who went back to school so that she could serve God on the mission field. His point was simply, “what are you doing for God?” Soon after, my pastor called me into his office and told me that Camp Joy was in need of guy counselors for the upcoming summer. He asked me if I would pray about serving at camp. Camp was two weeks away. There was no time like the present to pray!

I worked the summer of 2014 as a counselor, and I enjoyed it so much! I grew more spiritually that summer than I ever had leading up to that point in my life. This was in part due to my consistency in my devotions throughout the summer, but I was also spending time with my campers, and trying to show them the love of Christ and their need for a savior. I came home from that summer changed. A few months later Camp Joy called me to see if I would be interested in coming on full-time to be a recruiter. I came on the full-time staff in January of 2015 and I’ve been here ever since.

What Do You Love About Working at Camp Joy?

This is a great question! One of the things that makes working at Camp Joy special to me is that this is where I met my wife Rachel! Rachel and I were both counselors during my first summer. While we were friends during the summer, our relationship flourished soon thereafter. We’ve now been married for 7 years and have two children, Aurora and Sterling.

Another reason that enjoy working at Camp Joy is because I have the privilege to mentor and disciple young men. Throughout my life, there have been many people that have invested in me, people who took the time to talk with me and point out areas where growth was needed. Now, I have the opportunity to do the same for the young men that serve at Camp Joy. I get to talk with them and see how they are doing, both physically and spiritually. Sometimes I also get the opportunity to impart some of my wisdom that God has given to me, gained through experience and advice given to me, which I can now give to others. I love meeting new people and seeing how God has brought them to camp!

What is Something You’ve Learned during Your Time at Camp?

Where do I start? I have learned so much. Growing up there were many people that discipled me. My home church and the pastoral staff really prepared me for ministry, helping me understand what a servant-hearted leader looks like. I’ve been at Camp Joy for eight years now, and while I have learned so much, I feel like I am constantly learning.

Here are just a handful of things that I have learned. The first thing that I will share is one of our camp cultures, “Work Where the Finger of God is Working.” When we are counseling an individual, we need to be working in step with where God is working. If a person is not saved, you need to show that you care about them, but more importantly, you need to show them their need for a Savior. We can often get caught up in some of the externals, when we need to instead focus on the roots of the problems, “heart issues.” If they are unsaved, we need to work at salvation.

I have learned that problems are often opportunities. Sometimes we focus on the negative and forget that God has brought these challenges into our lives. It is an opportunity to ask God, “What are you trying to teach or show me? Where do I need to grow?” Reflective questions like these show others, but more importantly show God, that you are teachable and ready to be molded into greater Christlikeness. No matter our stage of life, there is always more that we can learn, myself included.

I have learned that sometimes God brings us a trial or a test, not out of a lack of love, but because He desires to grow us. He knows what we are able to handle, and that you will give Him the praise that He deserves because of this trial. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t pain or hurt during the trial, it just means that God is right there with you during the adversity. Oftentimes these experiences enable you to better empathize and minister to others who are enduring similar trials, a concept we like to call “Use Your Pain.”

What’s One of Your Favorite Parts of Your Department?

One of the favorite parts of my department is that I get to work with and alongside great people. There have been many people who have poured into me, and I get the privilege to now invest in the young men on summer staff. I love that I get the opportunity to work with the guy counselors, watching them interact with their campers and sharing areas where they can grow. I consider myself “a wingman” to the counselors, in that I am there for them if they ever need me. There are many opportunities to invest in the summer staff during each and every week. It is not unusual for me to be up past midnight making sure that the counselors have their cabins quiet or counseling one of the guys. It is exciting to invest in the young people who work here and to see them leave and continue to grow in the Lord and serve Him faithfully.